Kimchi Spaghetti with Wines from Montepulciano

I’ve always wanted to go to Italy for a vacation, and in my fantasy of that trip, I would ride my bicycle through the Tuscan hillside, villa to villa, vineyard to vineyard, and I would taste one pecorino after another, sample one delicious reserve from the valleys of Val Di Chiana after another. I met […]

The Monosyllable of the Clock can be Love, Love, Love – Fish Tacos and Thai Basil Dumplings

In the fleeting moments of another fleeting Sunday evening, we make time to feed ourselves. A few hours of heating spices and loosening vegetables from their fibers and adding sprigs of color to the plate like painters their palette. I’ve been reading Tennessee Williams through again, Streetcar Named Desire. The week his play debuted in […]

Spicy Rainbow Tofu Scramble with Toss’ables

Tofu and I have become friends over the years. Healthy friends. Not that meats are mean girls, but, I feel like tofu is the kind of friend who sends you holiday cards decades after you move away. Meats give you reflux on your birthday instead of a card, you know? Tofu is easy to toss […]