Cinnamon Swirl Bread and Human Training Wheels

I can think of few things for which I am more grateful than my mother coming to live here during my first two weeks of intern year, human training wheels. She has been busy sprucing up the dwelling, cooking meals, kissing my bulldog and mowing my stubborn grass patch with an impossible push mower—basically a […]

Emmer Tartine Bread and Bright Colors

Just before KP and I left Rochester, where we had painted our home fuchsia and lime, my grandmother Gigi sent me this evocative image by Brian Andreas* which spoke to the compulsion I have long since had ever after living in New Orleans—to splash walls (literal and figurative) with bright colors. To my delight, this […]

Zulu Coconut Flour Chocolate Chip Cookies

My mother is visiting New Orleans, which means I need to keep plenty of nuts on hand, rather, by the bucket. Her metabolism is like the fuel system on an RV. On the prompting of, a site which Mom said she frequents, and surprisingly, as a future psychiatrist, one I had not yet come across, […]

Orange-Glazed Shrimp Salad Tribute to Shrimp Docs

Residency started today. I almost took a selfie of standing in the house in my white coat to match all the “first day of school” pictures Mom took of me and Dave over the years, but then I was like, you’re thirty, this is a job, and you need to get there early in case […]

Millet Scallion Pancakes and Gospel Jazz on Sunday

Last night I dreamed that water was gurgling up through the cracks in the hardwood in this house. Our kitchen became Yellowstone National Park. I ran to the front door and looked outside to see that we had bought a house right on the line where the ocean meets the shore. I can’t tell if […]

Moving with Homemade Corn Nuts

I am not ready to move. But it is easier now that Fuchsia and Lime is now no longer fuchsia nor lime, but a godawful Starbucks brown. HUGE THANKS to KP’s buddies Jake, Tim, and Derek who gave their whole days up to paint with us. we never would have done it without them. And […]

Jamaican Jerk Tempeh Stew and Brno

Continuing with the Eastern European vacation recap, we go to Brno, the second largest city in the Czech Republic. It has more of a college-town feel, more local folklore—I vaguely recall the legend of “the dragon” featured in the town’s inception story. I’m sure you will agree with both KP and myself that this dragon […]

Rosemary Flax Baguette and Prague

It goes without saying that I have gotten a little behind on my bread blog work—technical difficulties mostly having to do international travel to Eastern Europe, but also with nearly losing a cell phone, lacking appropriate device chargers, and lastly, Charter’s decrepit modem that quietly expired while we were out of town on the graduation […]

Thai Pumpkin Soup

Tis a chilly spring evening, perfect for a spicy soup. Like a stubborn sinus rhythm, I am marching out the last of my medical school days in the ECG reading room, with the PVC of my family arriving this evening to jump start the festivities! Got the house clean, got a new pair of glasses […]

Caramel Tart for Mother’s Day

Regarding my mother, there is no example of her patience and grace more profound than to mention how she tolerated with relative indifference my Ewws and rolling eyes and snubbed nose at her cooking for nearly two decades—and now this: Some seeds have very, very thick coats. Trust the loyalty of sprouts—in time they break […]