Chili with Beer Bread and the Rooting Reflex

One of my favorite parts of working in the newborn nursery is checking primitive reflexes. Rooting reflex is when the newborn turns his head toward your finger when you touch his cheek. Sucking reflex is when the newborn sucks on your finger when you touch the roof of his mouth. These are primitive reflexes which […]

Roasted Carrots with Caraway, Coriander, and Cilantro

Prostaglandins are like pirates. Better to deal with them before they are on board. I have been doling out a lot of NSAIDs lately, a treatment for which I have mixed feelings. Yes, it might quell inflammation in your joints or uterus or wherever, but oh, your stomach—your kidneys!! I weep for the innocent bystanders […]


Easter in Italy is a season of eggy, cheesy breads and rich meats. Perhaps it shall be here too, but first, we are in Lent, and at Calvary we celebrate the breaking of the bread with hard wheat wafers baked by church members. Today is my contribution Sunday. I was so tempted to sneak in […]

Carrot and Sweet Potato Soup

My palate is still stuck in the fall. Autumn flavors and hearty soups are all that I crave since our temperature here in Minnesota has remained in the 20s, with a stolid crust of ice and dirty old snow piles lining the boulevards. Because I’m cramming for my shelf exam in family medicine this week, […]

Bourbon Bread Pudding

Bourbon Street in New Orleans is decidedly the worst place to be on Saturday mornings, the cobblestones soaked with centuries of vomit and Ajax. But in a bistro eating a piece of Bourbon-soaked bread pudding? Nothing better. The smell of this dish baking in my oven helps me to catch the scent of jasmine and […]

Kale Salad with Chicken and Harira Soup

Hello Reverb! Thank you*, Nate Langworthy and the Reverb Team, for featuring Bake This Day Our Daily Bread as a local blog on the Awesome Reverb of Rochester! Your endorsement makes me feel vogue and hip as I frump through the more mundane days of medical school, memorizing textbooks and blinking into microscopes. I shall […]

Walnut Oatmeal Irish Soda Bread

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, and hello Sourdough Surprises! I am desperate to return to New Orleans to spend this evening with old friends at Finn MaCool’s pub. Since I can’t be with my favorite Irish people, at least I can cook up the aroma of an Irish kitchen—this bread is great with a little maple […]

Red Quinoa and Lentil Pilaf with Cumin and Cauliflower

Spring is here! The ice is off the roads, so the moped returns! Thanks for the new carny crash helmet, Mom. It works. Though maybe this video is reason enough to get KP a matching brain bucket–or a side car. Minnesota T-shirt weather today—read, 40s. This is a recipe I adapted from the vegan chef […]

Real Bread for Real People

Reality is something I have always questioned. Highly suspect. My first hint to the semi-permeability of existence, I think, was when I first noticed that people could disappear. In some rooms of the world, people appear, my daily astonishment in Labor and Delivery—the constant blebbing of new people into the world from bournes in dark […]