I can be very flattering, especially if you pay me to be. Shakespeare did it, and now we have sonnets. I am happy to say nice things about your product, book, business or anything else you think relates to this blog and my readers (if I truly agree that it needs to be shared with the world, of course.) If you are interested in a sponsored post or have other ideas for how we can collaborate, please let me know. Happy to put my MFA in Creative Writing to work on your behalf!
Please e-mail me at rachelellis.hammer@gmail.com with queries. Bake This Day Our Daily Bread attracts readers from all over the world, people who happen to be bakers, foodies, literary geeks, medical students and residents, and most importantly, my mom (who has more friends than I do.) The blog currently attracts 1,500 unique viewers per month, predominantly from the United States, but also from Canada, the United Kingdom, India, and Australia.
I also enjoy reviewing lifestyle and healthcare products. I am a marathoner and yoga fan. I used to have a very fat bulldog who made everything she was photographed with more appealing. She sadly passed in February 2019 of cancer at age 10.
Three days later we adopted a dog to get us through our grief: Kermit Ruffins, rescue hound from the Louisiana SPCA. He had survived Hurricane Michael in Nov 2019, had a broken back and tail, heartworm and PTSD. It took him about a year to recover, and he is now walking, heartworm free and still a little easy to startle, but a very affectionate family member who loves to wear costumes and is happy to look just as pathetic as Izzy did to spice up product placement.

Little did I know that after nursing my rescue dog back to health, he would pay back the favor! I am a survivor of Hodgkin’s lymphoma, diagnosed and treated in 2019-2020. It has been a journey that has changed my life and the way I practice medicine. I am happy to speak about this journey; please reach out through by email for pricing regarding speaking engagements.