Classic Irish Soda Bread

How we would love to go to Ireland! Or at least back to Finn McCool’s Irish Pub in New Orleans where there is pub quiz every night and HammerTime, the legendary line up of Steve, Kim, Jeremy, Kristen, and Rachel who used to face off against the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Finn McClueless, the […]

Southern-Style Cornbread

There is something inherently sacramental about bread. It is a metaphor for the Lord’s human body. It is a metaphor for God’s grace. It is a metaphor for money (which is its own sort of sacrament in American culture). It is the perfect Sunday activity. This Sunday morning Karl-Peter and I were craving a taste […]

Boston Brown Bread

Using a Dutch Over is the weirdest way to bake bread, in the context of having an actual oven. I acknowledge the historical significance—how cast iron pots pre-date electrical or gas oven technology; I can appreciate how when camping, a Dutch oven would be a cool trick—the romance, even, of baking fresh bread over a […]

Northern Cornbread and Duel Results

The miracle has been made statistically significant! After a focus group analysis with n=17, the old zucchini bread beat Baking Illustrated’s bread 15:2! Go Kelly Almon, worker of culinary miracles! For our movie party Wednesday night, I served chili accompanied by cornbread. Apparently, there are two types—Northern and Southern. I decided to make the Northern […]

Old Zucchini Bread, Duel Part II

If I were Cleopatra, in addition to glass, I would have used cinnamon for eye shadow. Cinnamon makes everything wonderful. That is why I am kind of hoping my old zucchini bread recipe will win. Votes will be collected tonight at our Movie Club party. Currently at n=3 and it’s old:new:: 2:1. Old Zucchini Recipe […]

Zucchini Duel Part I

Zucchini bread I know quite well. My experience with zucchini bread harkens back to the early days when Kelly Almon and Lindsey Willis (now Hays), sophomore college dorm-mates of mine, would fire up the oven in Ashton 2nd East and bake bread for the 30 some girls on our floor. The smell they filled our […]

Dante-Nut Bread

Because I go to Calvary Episcopal Church where the summer and fall are spent cutting dates for the church’s “World Famous Fruitcake!” I was understandably averse to touching another date for today’s slated bread recipe: Date-nut bread. Plus, we don’t have any dates in the house and when I read the date pitting/boiling protocol, what […]

Cranberry Nut Bread

Friends, don’t try this one at home. Try the bread recipe, but when you put it in the oven don’t allow the evil temptress Productivity to tell you that while it is baking for 45 minutes you should try to squeeze in a 4-mile run because you haven’t jogged since before Christmas, chunky buns. Gosh […]

Orange-Spice Banana Bread Sans Banana

I love the world we live in where two women meet at a grocery store’s free wine tasting and later, from several features of the conversation, one woman Googles the other “medical student writer in Rochester, MN” and Voila! she invites the Googled-one to her Dutch-themed party (tonight). Anneriecke, the Googler, is Dutch and before […]