Mini Cheese Balls

I see that football is back on television. That is basically the only coherent sentence I can muster on this, the eve of my last day before a three day weekend. I see that football is back on television. I give you cheese balls. And a Happy Labor Day to all, and to all, a […]

Prayer for Baton Rouge

“A bullet need only happen once to work, but for peace to work, we must be reminded of its existence again and again. My fellow Americans, only we can prove that we will not be divided, again and again. Only we can prove that we have the grace, character, and common humanity to end this […]

Porch Drinks, the Driftless Area and Bayou Boogaloo

Thank you, unexpected minor surgery, for treating me to a summer’s afternoon on the sick bed I’ve constructed on my front porch, complete with a bulldog nurse and the best novel I’ve read all year. Literati, I recommend you dive into The Driftless Area by Tom Drury as soon as possible. It’s like Guy Noir […]

Popcorn with Sesame-Glazed Pistachios

We gathered around a table decorated by five-year-old Sasha Belle, who made sure we not only knew where we were meant to sit, but also, what she imagines our faces look like. Her proud parents Kim and Steve, her three year old sister Zella, and my fond old biology student David formed this year’s Thanksgiving […]

Queso and Guacamole

I’ve been snacking. KP and I are starting to add on the miles in preparation for the next marathon (the Canyon City race in November) but I think I’m also doing some foraging and pre-hibernative work since I have another month of wards coming on and I’ll need all the extra energy stores my body […]

Taco Baskets

KP and I are on a Hispanic cuisine kick ever after Labor Day. Just feeling spicy. And also, we’ve been doing the weekend warrior routine as new homeowners and I’m sure the caloric density of Latin dishes is an instinctive choice after free time spent dangling from ladders, kneeling over shrubs, knuckles-deep in garden soil […]

Roasted Brussel Sprouts and Orange Beach Alabama

I can’t believe I’m getting paid to do this. Still orientating here in the start of residency, half-learning to use new electronic medical records, getting tours of the hospitals and clinics where I will be working, filling out small mountains of paperwork, getting fit tested for respirators. Mostly I am enjoying getting to know the young, bright and […]

Moving with Homemade Corn Nuts

I am not ready to move. But it is easier now that Fuchsia and Lime is now no longer fuchsia nor lime, but a godawful Starbucks brown. HUGE THANKS to KP’s buddies Jake, Tim, and Derek who gave their whole days up to paint with us. we never would have done it without them. And […]