Currently my favorite breakfast, a variation on a theme.

First make the Daily Bread—I literally eat a slice of this bread every day, and over the years I’ve perfected it into a fiber-packed, omega 3-loaded, crunchy-crusted and well-structured crumb delight. This version has a new ingredient I’ve been experimenting with, Salute Santé Grapeseed flour. Grape seeds are full of polyphenol antioxidants, and there is a surprising plethora of studies in the cardiovascular literature linking grapeseed extract consumption to improved cholesterol, reduced blood pressure, decreased inflammation, etc. So. Why not add it to my daily diet? The flavor is pretty intense, and because of that it needs to be added in relatively small amounts to bread.

Daily Bread with Chardonnay Grapeseed Flour
200 g sourdough starter
850 g water
500 g Giusto’s Vita Grain All-purpose flour
500 g whole wheat flour (fresh milled for best results)
1 heaping TB Salute Santé chardonnay grapeseed flour
50 g flax seed, milled
20 g salt, dissolved in about 1/8 cup water
Everything bagel seasoning spice PRN for proofing

Starting by dissolving the sourdough starter in water. Slowly add the chardonnay flour and the flax seed. Add the 1 kg of the whole wheat and all purpose flours slowly, mixing along the way to blend evenly. The dough will be super sticky. Let rest covered on the counter for 2 hours. Add the salt water to the top of the risen mixture, and distribute by squeezing the dough with your fingers. Turn it several times every few hours, always recovering with plastic wrap between each turn. (Do not knead, just turn). I cannot say enough how important it is to use high quality flour in your baking. I like to mill my own whole wheat, and this all-purpose “white” flour from Giusto’s is splendid.

Maybe 6-7 hours after you start (the time will depend on the humidity, heat of your kitchen space, etc), pull the dough onto your floured surface and split into two loaves, shaping into round boules. The dough is wetter than most so feel free to use ½ cup flour per loaf when shaping and in prep to proof. I like to sprinkle my cloth-lined proofing baskets with everything bagel seasoning, so that it will become part of the crunchy crust. Proof boules for about 1 hour while heating up two cast iron pots (dutch ovens) in the oven with the lids on, oven to 500 degrees.
I like to turn out my proofed loaves onto parchment paper and then use parchment as a hammock of sorts to lower each boule into the HOT HOT HOT cast iron. Sometimes I like to score the tops for a fancy flourish. Replace the lids and place into oven and bake for 30 minutes with lids on. (This seals in the moisture, which will evaporate and then ever so gently drip into the surface, making the crust thick and delicious). Decrease the oven heat to 450, remove the lids, and bake for another 20-25 minutes until the tops are dark dark brown. Wait at least 20-30 minutes before slicing to serve.
I make this bread about once a week, or once every two weeks. I eat one boule and freeze the other. It is delicious and so hearty. Once slice of a tartine and I’m full.
Today I topped the slices with a kimchi masala, collard greens, broccoli and poached eggs.
Here’s how I did it:
Kimchi Masala, Collards and Poached Eggs, Oh My, Tartine
½ cup kimchi
2 oz Le Bon Magot Tomato and White Sultana Chutney (with ginger and garam masala)
3-6 garlic cloves, divided (3 whole and 3 minced)
8-10 oz collard greens, stems removed and cut into strips
2-3 TB Podor Olive Oil
2-3 dedos de moca chili peppers, minced
2-3 eggs, poached

Just like you need high-quality flour for bread, so too it is always better to have high quality oils. I love the Podor collection! So for this I start with putting 1.5 TB olive oil in my skillet and toss in the strips of collards. Stir occasionally to ensure doesn’t char. While this is cooking, boil your water to poach the eggs (with salt as you like). Throw the kimchi, 3 garlic cloves, 1 TB olive oil, and the tomato chutney into a food processor and pulse until chunky and more smooth. Toast a slice of the daily bread. To the skillet with the cooking collards, only when they are like 2-3 minutes from being softened and done, toss in the chili peppers and the 3-ish cloves of minced garlic.

Spread a layer of the kimchi goodness on the toasts, top with the collard green mixture, and then poach a couple eggs real quick and put them on top. I like to sprinkle a little Tuscan Sunset seasoning (Penzeys) on top for garnish.

And as with any eggy breakfast enjoyed in the south, feel free to add a little Dede’s Hot Sauce as needed. I got to meet Dede at the Winter Fancy Food Show in SF in January. She is a delight!

Enjoy! And Happy start of Spring from what is newly planted in my “raised” (read: chickenproof) beds.